创造健康生活,共享成功利益As one of the top leading companies in beverage industry in China,Robust is now a member of Danone Group,a global fortune 200 company.Robust has always been engaged in manufacturing and operating healthy beverage products. With over 30 Sales branches over the country, Robust has a market network covering most of urban and rural areas in China.乐百氏集团是中国饮料工业领导公司之一,是居于世界食品行业领先地位的法国达能集团成员。乐百氏致力于生产、经营健康饮料产品,在全国各大城市设有三十个办事处,市场网络覆盖全国城乡。因业务发展需要,我们诚邀精英加盟我们将提供具有竞争力的薪资、培训和发展空间!有意者请于见信息1周内将简历、小一寸照片、学历证及身份证复印件和联系地址,或用附件的形式发邮件到寄至本公司请在信封左下角或电子邮件的标题注明你所需要申请的职位。合则约见,请勿来电查询!